Things were heating up on Saturday at the Grand Army Plaza greenmarket: Peppers are coming in.
This life-size milking cow showed up to promote the Dutchess County Fair. I love big fiberglass animals.
Zucchini usually come in green or yellow, long or patty-pan, but Evolutionary Organics has piebald globey ones this year.
The morning's haul: tomatoes (beefsteak and yellow cherry), peaches, collards, garlic, arugula, mesclun, and a $6 Jersey canteloupe. Slaughtered, it provided three generous servings, so at $2 per serving that's not so bad for melon bliss. Still, it amazes me how fast we burn through cash in pursuit of seasonal delights.
By dusk, things were heating up musically: We stopped in at the bandshell's Celebrate Brooklyn concert to hear Red Baraat, a brassy Bhangra band we'd loved at the Botanic Garden's Chili Pepper Festival. Talk about infectious beats; a few folks couldn't resist rocking out.
We left before the venerable Dr. John took the stage.
Tonight's Greenmarket dinner: Pasta panzanella from Giuliano Bugialli's pasta book. The only thing cooked is the spaghetti; you put hot pasta on a bed of fresh arugula, and spoon over a mix of chopped raw tomato, onion and garlic marinated simply in olive oil, with basil over the top. Great for a hot night.