"Nothing human disgusts me...unless it's unkind or violent," says a character in Tennessee Williams' "Night of the Igauna." Well, she hasn't been on clean-up patrol in Prospect Park's Midwood with the gutsy crew of assorted volunteers led by blogger Marie Viljoen. Check out her link even if you skip the Times, because her photographs show the magical gorgeousness as well as the squalor to be found on the floor of Brooklyn's woodlands.
My attempt to join the crew was stymied by geographical confusion (this is a forest, after all), recounted here. On their next outing, which I also missed, they freed the springtime woods of a huge and revolting haul of condoms, condom wrappers, and assorted other icky paraphernalia. Congratulations, gang, on being profiled in today's New York Times City Room! The folks interviewed showed remarkable good grace and compassion regarding the "cruising" guys who leave most of this rubbish behind in their amatory pursuits. I've stumbled across garbage like this with groups of schoolchildren in tow for a nature walk, and yes, I'm a tad more judgmental. Violent? No. Unkind? That, and worse. For shame, condom-flicking cruisers; bravo, Prospect Park Litter Mob. I'll catch you soon, I promise.
Photo: New York Times
Thank you, Brenda.
We saw some pretty things today: chipmuks, woodpeckers, unripe May apples, oyster mushrooms, various berries of the rubus kind, not ripe yet, and all the goutweed is in bloom, like snow. And the squalor. It was our 3rd "Mob" and with time you realize that something's got to give, from all sides. It just. keeps. piling up. But at least these woods are getting some attention, and that is a start. We also planted today - Arisaema, Solidago, and Asters.
Posted by: Marie | June 07, 2011 at 04:45 PM