Friday afternoon, as I returned from the ghastly experience of being press-ganged onto a Grand Jury in downtown Brooklyn, we were tossed off the train at Prospect Park station due to a broken rail further down the Q tracks. At first, I was peeved; now I would have to walk 2 stops further to get home, and I had no camera to record my passage through the park. (I never travel without it, but feared they would confiscate it at the courthouse.)
Then I remembered that my low-end cellphone had a camera built in. Yes, most of the world is already aware of this functionality, but it's fairly new to me; I'd taken a few other shots but never gotten them off the camera. With freezing fingers, I not only took a few shots but e-mailed them to myself. I feel all techie now. Plus, the camera likes to put rainbow rings around the sun, which is cool.
Predictably, I wound up blessing the broken rail that gave me an unintended walk through the snowy park. Over the next two weeks, I will miss my accustomed liberty to go there (or not) on a whim. It has been said that a DA could get a jury to indict a ham sandwich. During the next fortnight, I will apparently be sitting around with 23 other People With a Pulse (the apparent qualification), indicting a stream of lowlife ham sandwiches. Get out there and revel in parkitude for me, will ya?