Five o'clock, the end of October, the Long Meadow. With daylight savings time almost over, I struggle to keep the melancholy of the season from overshadowing the golden radiance of it. Discovering this guy practicing his mad tightrope skills between two flaming trees did the job.
I was drawn to the mesmerizing elm grove, below, the one on a knob of land near the "dog beach."
The knoll is carpeted with leaves, and the mostly bare branches seem to wave overhead like a circle of dancers. See the guy on a bike at right, in a gray jacket? The two other cyclists had asked him how old Prospect Park was, and he was telling them a little of its history, with perfect accuracy and great zest.
One more shot of the elms, from the other side...towering over dog walkers, stroller moms, kids walking home from school. The moon was out, a little pale disc, but it's just out of frame.
I saw that guy walking on the rope. Later he was surrounded by a small film crew
Posted by: Chicken Underwear | October 30, 2009 at 01:37 PM
Damn, I love this blog. Casts a total glow over the park I spend most of my outdoor hours in. Thanks!
Posted by: Daniel | October 30, 2009 at 04:44 PM
I saw that tightroper in the spring when I would take the kids to soccer practice! Also that mound with the elm trees is a good place to see sparrows taking a dust bath and a wonky robin...keep your eyes peeled!
Posted by: Leah Labrecque | October 31, 2009 at 12:43 AM