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July 15, 2009


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My goodness he is adorable!

You probably know, it's especially dangerous to be albino in Tanzania.

Wow - that is horrible! Another reason to be proud and thankful to live in our great country!

Hey, Brenda -- I was at the playground in 2006 when the hawk went after the white squirrel, and that was Carrie's post about it quoted in the linked story! Never knew her writing got picked up in a news story.

People on Park Slope Parents complained that I (through Carrie) exaggerated by saying that more than one parent threw more than one thing at the hawk. It was in fact just one mom tossing one modest-sized stick. The real work in saving the squirrel was done by the squirrel itself, which huddled behind a gnarly vine until the hawk gave up.

A dramatic Marlin Perkins moment in the 9th St. playground.

There were two white squirrels living in the vicinity of the playground. Haven't seen any for a year, maybe two.

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