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March 24, 2008


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Oh, I can relate! I decided to start running this winter, and bought these ridiculously expensive running shoes, and then realized I didn't have the right clothes, so the shoes sat forlornly in the closet for a month. Somehow I didn't want to spend another penny after shelling out for the shoes. Finally, I scored some running clothes for cheap on ebay, and now every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday morning I haul my butt around the park. It has been so cold and windy and it is the LAST thing I ever want to do, but still I'm doing it. The first few times, with every footfall I'd think one of the following: "I hate this. I want to stop. This sucks. I'd rather be having a root canal." It was like a meditation of suffering and hate! I forced myself to start doing positive affirmations and it actually helps.

So next time you're out, if you whiz by a woman chanting, "I am powerful, capable, and strong, I am safe and secure in my world, all the resources that I need are on their way to me right now," shout hello!

LOL!! I love your affirmations! So far, all of mine have been profane death threats against the East Drive hill!

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