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February 04, 2008


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Great story. Sounds like a crazy idea. I'm gonna search for visual image of this game. Thanks for sharing.

I am the director of the Historical Society of Talbot County in Easton, Maryland. On March 20, 2008, our 1860s vintage base ball club, the Fair Plays, and the county parks and rec department staged a match of base ball on ice according to 1860s rules. We were assisted in our efforts by Peter Morris, author of But Didn't We Have Fun?: An Informal History of Baseball's Pioneer Era, 1843-1870 (2008). The book includes information on base ball on ice. Pictures from our ice base ball match will be posted on our web site www.hstc.org within a few weeks.


Two accounts (and a picture!) of ice base ball at Washington Park in Brooklyn in 1884.

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